The European Forum has member groups all throughout Europe. Each of the groups and its website, where available, are listed below (status after the Annual General Meeting of 2022).
Queer Glauben Wien
The ecumenical independent group Queer Faith Vienna was founded in 1990 under the name of Homosexuelle und Glaube Wien – Homosexuals and Faith Vienna. It is open for all people interested in sharing their religious experiences and exchanging their views about faith and politics. Weekly meetings are complemented by other activities such as services, concerts, or excursions. We offer counselling and information for individuals, parishes, and classes.
Priceless is a group of projects for LGBT+ people, who value spirituality, as well as their family members, friends, and others, who are willing to explore questions about faith and sexuality. Our goal is to create safe spaces for all of them to learn, ask, and exchange experiences. This is accomplished through counseling, monthly learning and discussion groups, weekend workshops, media, and written content about this topic on Facebook and the webpage and other projects.
Geikristlaste Kogu (GK)
The Association of Gay Christians was founded on 11 August 2010 in Tallinn, Estonia. GK is a religiously and politically independent group of Christians belonging to sexual minorities and their supporters, working for equal treatment and opportunities for sexual minorities in society and religious organisations. It supports spiritual and personal growth of individuals along with their mental and physical healing, while developing community life and offering reliable information about Christianity and sexual orientation.
Founded in 1997, Arcus Finland serves as an ecumenical network of LGBTI Christians who have an occupational link to churches in Finland. Most of its ca. 100 members are currently employed by a church, Christian organisations or in other sectors of society. The main aim of the network is to offer a forum for its members to meet each other, provide mutual support, discuss issues of church and homosexuality, and advocate equality for LGBTI persons. Arcus Finland has been a member of the European Forum since 2008.
David & Jonathan
David & Jonathan is a French association of both male and female LGBT Christians, founded in 1972 with the aim of helping people reconcile their Christian faith with their homosexuality. With now about 550 members in different places throughout France, it is open to all and, at present, about 40% of its members consider themselves non-Christian.
AG (Arbeitsgemeinschaft) Schwule Theologie
Since 1993, the Study Group Gay Theology is discussing and writing about the bible, theologies of Christian churches, and spirituality from a gay point of view. We arrange annual meetings on Gay Theology in the middle of Germany and publish the periodical “Werkstatt Schwule Theologie” (WeSTh, Engl. “Workshop Gay Theology”).
Homosexuelle und Kirche (HuK)
Since its foundation in 1977, the Ecumenical Working Group Homosexuals and Church has been working for full participation of LGBTQ in social and church life. As a community of witnesses of the liberating biblical message, it campaigns for the abolition of prejudices and discrimination against LGBTQ in churches, for the full professional equality with cisgender heterosexual men and women, against discrimination against HIV-positive people and AIDS patients, for spaces for LGBTQ spirituality, and for the recognition of Christians in the LGBTQ community.
Labrystheia, the Network of Lesbian Theologians in and after Education, was founded in 1989 and has an approximately 40 members. It is a national network of lesbian theologians and lesbians, who are interested in theology. Annual meetings take place twice a year, as well as several activities concerned with the situation of lesbians and gays within church and politics. There are some individual objectives like fighting against racism and discrimination, supporting interreligious dialogue, feminist theology and liturgy, and bringing forward blessing ceremonies.
Lesben und Kirche (LuK)
Seven regional groups and many individual women give life to the ecumenical network Lesbians and Church in Germany. Twice a year, our magazine “LuK-Lektüre” is produced—purely accomplished by volunteer work. Our members belong to various Christian denominations; we meet to share our life journeys. We find safe spaces in regional and national gatherings. With our activities in churches and communities, we contribute to a stronger visibility of lesbian life and spirituality. Last, but not least, we enjoy celebrating our faith in a loving and inclusive God.
Maria und Martha Netzwerk (MuM)
The Mary and Martha Network is a ecumenical network of lesbians working in church parishes and institutions in Germany, that is 60 members strong. It comes together for a general meeting once a year and in between in some regional groups in Germany.
Netzwerk katholischer Lesben (NkaL)
Network of Catholic Lesbians
Projekt Schwul und Katholisch (PSK) in der Gemeinde Maria Hilf
Project Gay and Catholic in the Parish Maria Hilf
The queer cherubim are the first (and so far the only) LGBTQ choir for sacred music in Germany. It was founded in 2005 and meets several times a year to spend a weekend singing, chatting, meeting friends, sharing prayers, and discussing. The Queerubim welcome everybody interested in singing in a choir!
Zwischenraum (Germany)
The Space Between is a group for people, who are fascinated by Jesus Christ, to whom faith is important in everyday life and who need a safe space to deal with their faith and themselves as LGBT.
Cammini di Speranza
Path of Hope
R.E.F.O. – Rete Evangelica Fede e Omosessualità
Protestant Faith and Homosexuality Network
Progetto Gionata
Project Jonathan
Drachma LGBT
Drachma LGBT is a group of LGBT, who meet to pray together. It is a Christian group that welcomes everybody. Drachma is a safe place, where we focus on the God’s love for us—no matter, who or what we are. It is a place, where we search for truth and for what brings us together rather than what divides us. Together, we seek sexual and spiritual integration.
Landelijke Koepelorganisatie van de christelijke LHBT-beweging in Nederland (LKP) The National Umbrella Organization of the Christian LGBT Movement in the Netherlands works for full equality of LGBTs in society and churches. LKP is connected with around twenty national, regional, and local Christian LGBT groups. With four of them, it cooperates in LCC+, working on partly government funded programs for LGBT emancipation of Christians within the more traditional churches.
Werkverband van Queer Theologen
The Dutch Society of Queer Theologians aims to bring together queer theologians for discussing professional and academic issues relating sexuality, gender, and religion, as well as for recreation. It aims to function as the think tank of the Christian LGBT movement in the Netherlands.
Werkverband van Katholieke Homo-Pastores (WKHP)
The Working Group of Catholic Gay Pastors, founded in 1980, currently has seventy members: gay priests, religious people, theologians, and others, who are involved in pastoral work within the Roman Catholic Church. Until now, all members are male, however lesbian colleagues are most welcome to join us. A number of our members belong to the Old-Catholic Church (which has a more lenient attitude towards homosexual relationships). The aims of the Working Group are among others: to create a free space and a safe haven for its members, where being gay is not an issue; to stimulate the discussion within and outside the Roman Catholic Church about (homo)sexuality and Christian life; to strive for recognition of the full range of (sexual) relationships, through which people can be a blessing for each other.
Skeivt kristent nettverk (SKN)
The Queer Christian Network is an ecumenical interest organisation for LGBTI+ persons and allies with different church backgrounds. SKN started in March 2019 and the majority of its founding members have charismatic backgrounds (Pentecostal, evangelical, Baptist, non-denominational). Today, it also has members from the Norwegian Church (Lutheran), The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway, Methodist, Catholic, Jehova’s Witnesses, and many other smaller conservative churches.
Wiara i Tęcza (WiT)
Faith and Rainbow is a group of Polish LGBTQ Christians, their families and friends. Changing awareness inside church, WiT works for increasing tolerance—and thereafter acceptance—in the entire society, as well as for supporting kindness among people. Most of the members are of Roman Catholic denomination, but WiT welcomes Christians of any denomination—in ecumenical spirit. WiT also invites people, who are in search of their faith, who are agnostic or atheists, for community and dialogue.
Свет Мира
The LGBT Christian group Light of the World has been working since 2009 to provide all kinds of people, who have experienced rejection by the church for any reasons, with spiritual support and spiritual healing. We are an inclusive community—also for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people.
Nuntiare et Recreare
Herald and Strengthen, located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, was founded in 2000. It unites LGBT believers of different religious and confessional affiliation as well as people, who do not include themselves into any organised form of religion and share values of humanism, cultural diversity, tolerance, intercultural dialogue, non-violence, and human rights.
SIGNUM – Dúhoví kresťania
SIGNUM – Rainbow Christians in Slovakia wants to be a sign of God’s love and diversity for the whole Christian church and society. After several years as an informal group, they founded an organization to have more options and resources working for the LGBT Christian community and international cooperation.
Associació Cristiana de Gais i Lesbianes de Catalunya (ACGIL)
Since 1991, the Gay and Lesbian Christian Association of Catalonia offers a space of reception for meetings, reflection, prayer, and support for Christians, who want to reconcile their sexual orientation and their faith. ACGIL works on improving (a) the visibility of LGBT people in Christian churches to make the former more inclusive and sensitive towards the presence of women, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals; and (b) the visibility of Christians in the LGBT community.
Cristianas y Cristianos de Madrid LGTB+H (Crismhom)
LGBT+H Christians of Madrid
Ichthys, cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla
Ichthys, LGBT+H Christians of Sevilla wants to be a meeting place for reflection, prayer, training, and support of Christians, who want to reconcile their sexual orientation/gender identity with their faith. We basically work in two areas: the visibility of LGBT people in Christian (mainly Catholic) churches and the visibility of Christians in the LGBT community. We also welcome heterosexual cisgender people, who respect and support our aims.
Kristna regnbågsrörelsen (Riksförbundet EKHO)
The Christian Rainbow Movement consists of a national association, local groups, national umbrella groups, and networks. It organises exhibitions, talks and other programme activities across the country, aimed at strengthening individuals and creating a basis for adressing issues of sexuality within churches and denominations. EKHO is organised as a society, whose business is run by a committee. Chaplains, who are priests, pastors, and other religious leaders, are avaliable to attend exhibitions, church services, meetings, blessings, and various ordinances.
Chrétien-ne-s Homosexuel-le-s (C+H)
Homosexual Christians in Geneva
Christliche Organisation von Lesben (CooL)
The Christian Organisation of Lesbians was founded in February 2000 with the following aims: to provide a safe space to meet for Christian women, who love women, to speak up for the rights of lesbian Christians in church and society, and to give ourselves a face and a voice. CooL is open to all women, no matter their self-identification or their church affiliation.
LesBiSchwule Basiskirche Basel (LSBK)
The LesBiGay Church of Basel was founded in 1992. LSBK is a ecumenical group meeting for celebrations (with eucharist or Supper of the Lord) and open towards all people. Depending on the availability of its members, the LSBK is present in social and political actions. The LSBK is an association according to Swiss law.
The Rainbow Church is a Christian community of the United Methodist Church (UMC). Almost every Sunday, it holds a rainbow church service or organises some other social event. Their community is open for all people without exception, especially for LGBT+ persons.
Zwischenraum (Switzerland)
The Space Between is a group for people, who are fascinated by Jesus Christ, to whom faith is important in everyday life, and who need a safe space to deal with their faith and themselves as LGBT.
LGBT Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council
The LGBT Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council is mandated by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster Diocese to provide pastoral support for LGBT Catholics, parents, families, and friends. Masses welcoming LGBT Catholics in London first started in 1999. Regular retreats, pastoral reflection days, and Younger Adults’, Older People’s, Trans, and Women’s Groups are also held.
Quest is lay volunteer led and offers pastoral support and community to LGBT+ Catholics, our families and friends in safe spaces whether virtual online or face-to-face. Membership is open to all, who support our aims, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious affiliation. We have five regional groups across the UK offering community and fellowship.
The Sibyls
The Sibyls is a confidential Christian spirituality group for transgender people, their partners and supporters. It seeks to fulfil the two great commandments of Jesus: to love God and to love one another. The Sibyls celebrated their 21st anniversary in 2018, then having about 80 members. They seek to enable fellowship, friendship, and fun for the gender variant and their families, friends, and supporters in the context of an inclusive faith
To become a member group, we ask you to fill in this Word document with your (contact) information. You can then send the form to our secretary.
The European Forum of LGBTI+ Christian Groups is an ecumenical association of LGBTI+ Christian groups in Europe.
The European Forum aims to achieve equality and inclusion for LGBTI+ people within and through Christian churches, other religious bodies and multilateral organisations.
The European Forum works for freedom of religion, for human rights and dignity for LGBTI+ people and for an affirmative discourse on human sexuality.
The European Forum of LGBTI+ Christian Groups enjoys participatory status with the Council of Europe.