Past Conferences

The Past Conferences with Their Date, Location, and Motto

2024 – Varese/Milan, Italy, 8–12 May: Memory & Prophecy – Memoria e profezia

2023 – Venlo, The Netherlands, 10–14 May: In Christ there is no East or West

2022 – Zürich, Switzerland, 26–29 May: See, I will gather you from wherever you are

2021 – Online (organised by The Netherlands), 7–9 May: Strong Voices

2020 – Online (organised by Hungary), 9–11 October: Come Out Into The Light!

2019 – Canterbury, England, United Kingdom, 26–29 June: Breaking New Ground

2018 – Albano/Rome, Italy, 9–13 May: Towards Welcoming and Affirming Christian Communities

2017 – Gdansk, Poland, 25–28 May: Forwards in Solidarity

2016 – Gothenburg, Sweden, 3–8 May: Richness in Diversity

2015 – Merville, France, 22–25 May: Intercultural Contacts: Babel or Pentecost?

2014 – Tallinn, Estonia, 20–25 May: Sailing with Hope

2013 – Zug, Switzerland, 8–12 May: Our Vocations – Unsere Berufungen – Nos vocations

2012 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16–20 May: Lead Us Beyond Acceptance! – Leid ons de acceptatie voorbij!

2011 – Berlin, Germany, 5–8 May: Surrounded by Friends – Von Freunden umgeben

2010 – Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, 23–27 June: Rejoice and be exceeding glad!

2009 – Järvenpää/Helsinki, Finland, 20–24 May: Courage to Follow the Law of Love

2008 – St. Albans, England, United Kingdom, 30 April–4 May: Under the Rainbow – Rainbow Ecumene

2007 – Strasbourg, France, 17–20 May: Overcome the Homophobia Within Our Churches / Vaincre l’Homophobie dans nos Églises

2006 – Riga, Latvia, 22–26 May: Family Perspectives

2005 – Oslo, Norway, 25–29 June: Imagine There’s a Heaven

2004 – Stockholm, Sweden, 19–23 May: Paths to Openness

2003 – Heemskerk/Haarlem, The Netherlands, 30 April–2 May: Living in Commitments

2002 – Basel/Leuenberg, Switzerland, 9–12 May: The 20th Forum Conference: Struggle and Contemplation

2001 – Otwock/Warsaw, Poland, 1–4 May

2000 – Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 3–7 May: Lesbian and Gay Christians: Forging Dialogue with the Churches

1999 – Vienna, Austria, 12–16 May: Under the Rainbow: Gay and Lesbian Culture in Europe: Consumerism and Spirituality—Realities and Visions

1998 – Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 20–24 May: Solidarity, Justice and Freedom for Lesbians and Gays in Europe

1997 – Tolouse, France, 8–11 May: Gays and Lesbians, Christians, Europeans—Which challenges do we see?

1996 – Oslo, Norway, 16–20 May: Different European People

1995 – Driebergen/Utrecht, The Netherlands, 25–28 May: Changing Church Attitudes?

1994 – Pilà/Bratislava, Slovakia, 12–15 May: The Forum Goes East

1993 – Höör/Malmö, Sweden, 20–24 May: Freedom Is Coming

1992 – Männedorf/Zürich, Switzerland, 28–31 May: Europe—A Challenge to us All

1991 – Driebergen/Utrecht, The Netherlands, 9–12 May: The Future Is Ours

1990 – Strasbourg, France, 24–27 May: From the Freedom of Loving to a Christian Community

1989 – Prali Ghigo/Turin, Italy, 4–7 May: Christian Theology: Lesbian & Gay Liberation

1988 – Uxbridge/London, England, United Kingdom, 12–15 May: Not Just Gay, Not Just Christian, but Wholly Human

1987 – Mauloff/Frankfurt, Germany, 7–10 May: Broaden Your Vision

1986 – Oslo, Norway, 8–11 May: Gay Christians as a Human Resource

1985 – Antwerp, Belgium, 7–9 June: Called Into Liberty

1984 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2–3 June: Proud to Be Gay—and what this means to the churches

1983 – Strasbourg, France, 11–12 June

1982 – Paris, France, 23–24 October: Founding Meeting